Let's Try To Make an Extra Money From Home
November 22, 2019
Earning your own money is always fun to do. It brings different kind of joy for me. Since I am busy with being full time stay at home mom, I always thinking how to make an extra money from home. It is not because I really need the extra money, it is just to keep me balance. Being busy at home as mom doen't mean I can't be human being who earns money. I want to have my own money to buy some good meals or to buy present for my husband/family.
I searched and read about it a lot and finally, I brave enough to try. Here's what I do:

- Invest
Nowdays a lot of fintech available that can help us to do the investment. Either we buy some stock or mutual fund. Since my capital is not that much and I am still learning about this, I am more to buying government retail sukuk. It is more convenient I think for the beginner and it is easy to buy from fintech, such as modalku. Each month I get more than IDR100K from buying ST and SBR. It all depends on how much the capital. It feels good that my saving is not only stay idle on my account and I earn some bucks each month. Probably I will post about investing on government retail sukuk later with more explanation.

- Doing small business
What I do so far is renting out and selling. I am renting out some of my baby stuffs through gigel.id. Feels free to check out my store, checking in what I rent out. I only have seven items so far but it is okay, at least my baby stuffs is can be usefull to others who needed. Some of the stuffs are still in use which I can't rent it out yet. Another thing I do is selling some items throug the marketplace. My store is available on shopee. I am selling out muslim items that I bought from another branded shop, or it is called jasa titip. The money that I get is not that much, but it's good enough to buy some good meals.
Soo... for all mom who stays at home full time, don't worry. You can try to make an extra money from home without leaving your baby. But again, the main duty for us is to taking care ourself, the family, and the house. My tips, do not overthinking while trying to make an extra money. Just do one (baby) step at once. I am still trying, learning about all of it as well, and so far so good. Everything takes time, so just enjoy the process.