A Love Message To Mom
November 14, 2019
Since I knew that I'm going to be a mom to my 22months baby (at the moment), I am trying to educate myself about how to be a good mom. I am trying to read a lot about parenting, I follow bunch of instagram accounts which talks about parenting: Halo Ibu, Parentalk, MommiesDaily, Chai's Play, etc. I also ask advice from friends and relatives, especially my parents about parenting. It helps a lot so far during the journey. I am not perfect and I am still learning. So it is okay to ask for help.
However, whenever I read about mom who gets baby blues or mom who gets played by her husband on social media or heard from my relatives or friends, it breaks my heart. I can't hug them but I want to support them. Because I know being mom is not easy indeed. So, this post I dedicate for me my self as a mom, my friends, my relatives, who is a mom or going to be a mom and all mom out there who is struggling with their own problem.
"Dear mom, how are you? I hope you are doing good enough today.
Dear mom, if you can read this, means you are alive and healthy. It means you still have your own time, take a break from your daily routine. And it is okay to have a rest.
Dear mom, if you happen to have a bad day today, it is okay. Take a breath. There is nothing wrong having a bad day. Tomorrow will come another opportunities. Let's pray that tomorrow better than today and don't be ashame to ask for help. It is okay to be not okay.
Dear mom, if you have a good day today, that is good. Smile and let's be grateful. Don't forget to share your smile, maybe it can help other mom to have a good day like you.
Dear mom, thank you for your hard work. You are doing the best that you can and it is okay if it is not perfect. You are doing good enough.
Dear mom, remember that you are human being. You need to take a rest. You need to take care yourself as well before taking care others."

Hopefully to all mom or whoever who reads this can remember that we are human being and it is totally okay not to be okay. You did enough today and it is okay.