How To Survive the Transition Phase: Working Mom to Stay at Home Mom

August 15, 2019

It's been three months since I quit my job. I thought it was going to an easy transition from working mom to stay at home mom. In the beginning days after resign, I was so happy can stay at home and play along with my kid all day. Yes I'm still happy with my decision, but nowadays I feel something is missing. Usually at the office, I had everything in the order, the meeting, the to do list, the monthly target, etc. Here, at home, not everything going smooth as what I think. Some other days I feel stress (more stress than when I was working), so useless.

"What is wrong? Do I raise my baby right? Why everything is not working on plan?"

I have been thinking and thinking and I think I am on transition phase, from on thight schedule to super flexible schedule. I am not saying that I already survived this, I am still working on it, and I think somehow I get better everyday.

Here's what I do:
At the office, I used to write down my plan or to do list every single morning. I always feel better when I write down what I want to do in the morning. Even what I planned is not always smooth, but it's okay. I also start to write on my blog again. As my brother said that I'm good at writing, a blog, especially. He suggests me to write a good blog again. So here I am, making a baby step.

When I work, I meet a lot of people in one day. On the other hand, when I am at home, I only meet with my family. I try to always talk with a friend non a family member or call my home in everyday. Just to talk or to have a chat. The topic sometimes is so random. It helps to release the stress. And the bonus point, sometimes I get an insight from a friend. 
My dad told me last weekend, how lucky I am to have an adorable kid and supportive husband. He said that no matter what, I have to be grateful. There is always something good in everything. And yes, I always find something good in the end of the day. 

I am still learning to pass this phase but I am happy so far that I found my formula. It might going to be a long way, but I'm making baby step here. I'm grateful about it. 

For all mom out there, who is working mom or stay at home mom, you're doing your best and it's enough. Don't push too hard and don't forget to love your self :) 

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  1. Cah, i believe in you! What an awesome mom you are. Keep faith in yourself is deff the best mantra.
