It's a New Year
January 01, 2015
Welcome to 2015!!
So many things happen in 2014, some of my close friends got married, some of them had a child, some of them got a better job, some of them travel more than before, some of them got prettier, and so on. Sometimes when I look around me, I felt that I haven't done anything yet for the past year. Yet, when I looked back into my past, I know that I did a lot and I learned so many things too in 2014.
My 2014,
I moved twice in less than six months, in March and May.
met new friends, which some of them become my very close friend.
got dumped while looking a part time job.
got a new job.
started my one year research, things became complicated and I have to keep fighting to finish it.
back to market again, I mean being single again.
lastly, I traveled more than before.
Well, everything happens for a reason and indeed I learned from those things. Let's not make the same mistake again in 2015. My wish for 2015?
I want my 2015,
finish my study and graduate in winter graduation.
get a full time job, which can support me living in this world.
meet a lot of new friends.
travel more, to South Island, to the north-est place in the North Island.
go back to Indonesia.
meet my parents and my siblings.
going to some particular place, to settle some unfinished business.
lastly, meet and know someone, who I can trust.
Let's working on it and have a wonderful year ahead everyone!