Weekend in Rotorua: Lake Rotorua

October 03, 2013

The second destination was Lake Rotorua, the biggest lake in Rotorua district. It was raining for a while before we got there. Thankfully even though it remained cloudy, the rain stop. We were taking a lot of pictures over there, teasing the birds, and wandering around. One of the reasons I love this country is their birds are so lovely to play along with. If we hold cookies in an open hand, they definitely will come to us. Yet, they will wait with curousity in their eyes, waiting until we spread the cookies to the air. 

See, the birds waiting patiently and silently for the foods. By the way, it was my first time saw rainbow in this country, so adorable~! 

I couldn't believe I would see black swans, the real black swans so easily playing along in the lake.

We're suddenly feeling so hungry, so we decided to go to the next destination and have our dinner before go back home. 

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