This is the real last day for our trip, and with this I can say that our mission is accomplish. Actually our mission go to Korea this time is to go to Jeju Island and visit the famous sex museum and teddy bear museum. So since we went there yesterday to those places, we can flight back to Busan happily before heading back to Fukuoka, Japan with Ferry tomorrow.
Bye Seoul, Hello Jeju! We never expect the storm would coming to Jeju on August and this was make our flight been delayed for around 30 minutes. Thankfully nothing bad happen during our flight and since we flight with Jeju Air, we got paper cup with Big Bang signature on it. I got GD's ;D
So after we put down our luggage in hostel, we went to our first destination, Jeju Miniature Museum. We didn't care even the wind was super strong. Maybe because the wind in our school is stronger than this, not sure yet. The museum is cool and nice place to go because they have almost all famous monument from every country in the world and there's also explanation on it.
Last day in Seoul and tomorrow we're heading to Jeju Island. We only spent our last day with shopping and enjoying the Myeongdong. And before the sun goes down, we're going to Seoul Tower for our last destination. Seoul Tower was little crowded on that time. Since it was a long journey to get there, we took more that an hour to have a rest there and trying to get the energy back.
Too bad I lost my notes so I couldn't write any story on this post. All I remember that I met my korean friend and he guided us around the blue house (such as white house in America) after lunch and went to the rainbow bridge on the afternoon.
Day 3, Korea Trip 2012 Part 3. Shopping in the end of the day | 3日目,韓国旅行2012パート3.日の終わりでショッピングする.

Bukchon area is located in upper side of Seoul and we're heading down to Cheonggyechon in the afternoon. But before that we stopped by in National Folk Museum Korea. It's connecting with Gyeongbokgung palace, another good palace in the center of the town. Nice place to know more about history of Korea.
However if you go straight from Gyeongbokgung palace gate, you will see King Sejong Statue in the center and if you come closer, you can go down and enjoy the museum inside. Not far from there, you can also see statue of Admiral Yi Sun-sin, the korean naval commander.
私達は午後にBukchonエリア,ソウルの上側におりからCheonggyechonまで向かってる.しかしその前に,韓国の国立民俗博物館に立ち寄った.その博物館はGyeongbokgungと接続でおり,またGyeongbokgung宮殿は他のソウル真中である良い宮殿だ。 韓国の歴史を知りたいためには韓国の国立民俗博物館は良い所だ.
しかし,もしGyeongbokgung宮殿の正門からまっすぐ行ったら,中央にSejong王の像が見られる.そして,もし近ずく行ったら,下には博物館があって,内部を楽しみ見ることができる.その像から遠くないところに,韓国海軍司令官の像,Admiral Yi Sun-sinもう見られた.

After satisfied with the unexpected visit to those museums, we continue our today's journey. It's nice that we put Cheonggyechon as our next destination. We could take an afternoon break, enjoying the view.

And in the end of the day, we go shopping for awhile before back to hotel. Thank you so much for your time and guide Ms. M|そして,ホテルに戻る前に少し買い物した.時間とガイドされたことは本当にありがとうございますMさん!
Day 3, Korea Trip 2012 Part 2. Walking all the day.|3日目,韓国旅行2012パート2.一日歩いていた
Today's guide is one of my friend's senior in her seminar class and even she is not from Seoul, she still want to guide us in Seoul for all the day. Super duper thank you!
So before we're strolling around Bukchon, we had lunch together. She took us to the a fancy small restaurant, near the main road in Bukchon village area. The salad and the rice are super delicious, i love it!

And now we're ready to walking around the village! 今から村に散歩するの準備ができた!

If I'm not mistaken, there is one house that being used in Winter Sonata movie around there. I'm not really sure which house it is, since I only passing by the sign. Anyway before we went to next destination, we stopped by in small cafe to have patbingsu (Korean ice only available during summer).
私が間違っていた場合,あそこの周りにはWinter Sonata映画で使用されている家がある.私はただ徴候が一回しか見ただから,ある家は本当に分からない.しかし次の目的地行く前に私達は小さなカフェで止まって,patbingsu (韓国の夏季アイス)を食べた.

It was super hot and we're already tired yet the day is still long.... すごく暑いけど,日はまだ長い...
Day 3, Korea Trip 2012 Part 1. We got lost in this big city | 3日目,韓国旅行2012 パート1.私達はこの大都会の中で道に迷った.
Actually we're going to Kimchi Museum first before met our today's guide. But due to misunderstanding, we took the wrong train and get lost. We couldn't make it to go there because we already running out the time. Then we changed our plan and went to the palace near our meeting place.Thankfully we didn't get lost on our way back to our meeting place.
Surprisingly the palace has many beautiful buildings inside with beautiful garden in front. Too bad we didn't put this palace as our destination yet thankfully we got lost earlier so we could come and sightseeing for awhile. We also took a part in secret garden tour that they provided. Even we couldn't finish all the tour, we're still satisfied knowing the history from the guide. We must go out soon before the meeting time. We didn't want to make our today's guide waiting too long.
For more info about this palace, you can go to this website, visit korea.
Next part will be telling about our trip with our guide. 次のパートはガイドさんと一緒に観光についてである.
Day 2, Korea trip 2012 part 2. Goes to the capital city. | 2日目,韓国旅行2012パート2.首都に行く
We used KTX to go to Seoul in the afternoon and we arrived safely at night. 午後にKTXを使用し,ソウルに行って,夜で無事に到着した.

We're staying at Guesthouse 123 Hongdae during our day in Seoul. It's very close with the station and the room is very clean. After put our stuffs, we were so ready to meet our senior and having dinner together. Time to catching up!
ソウルでいる時に私達はGuesthouse 123 Hongdaeに泊まっていた.駅からめっちゃ近くて部屋もきれい.荷物が置いた後,私達は私達の先輩に会うための準備ができて,先輩と一緒に夕食を食べていた.キャッチアップの時間だ!

The delicious chicken set. Thank you Mr. J for your treat, see you again someday in the future. 美味しい鳥セット. Mr. J,夕食ごちそ様でした,また他の日までに会いましょう.
Day 2, Korea trip 2012. Part 1, Busan | 2日,韓国旅行2012.パート1,釜山
それは釜山での最後の日だったので、私達の計画は Haedang Yonggungsa 寺に行くつもりだった.残念ながらその日雨がすごく降ったので、計画を変更し、チャガルチ市場という釜山での有名な魚市場を行って回るした.
Since that was our last day in Busan, we're planning go to Haedang Yonggungsa Temple. But unfortunately it was rainy so hard, so we changed our plan and we decided to look around the famous fish market in Busan, Jagalchi market.
それは釜山での最後の日だったので、私達の計画は Haedang Yonggungsa 寺に行くつもりだった.残念ながらその日雨がすごく降ったので、計画を変更し、チャガルチ市場という釜山での有名な魚市場を行って回るした.
After that we moved to Pusan International Film Festival and because of the rain, I didn't take any picture over there. We were just going from one shop to another, looking for something cute to buy, wasting time until our train was coming. Anyway Pusan International Film Festival is an area that you can go shopping. There are a lot of cute shops over there with reasonable price. And it's so easy to get there from Busan station, just take subway line 1 and get off at Nampo station.
その後、私達は釜山国際映画祭に移動したけど雨だから、あそこに画像をあまり取らなかった.私達はちょうど一つの店から別の店行って,買うために可愛いものを探して,列車の来るまでに時間を浪費していた.とにかく釜山国際映画祭は買い物に行くことができるエリアである.あそこで可愛いお店がたくさんあって,売ってる物の値段もそなに高くない.そして釜山駅からそこまでめっちゃ簡単だよ,地下鉄1号線に乗って,Nampo 駅で下車するだけ.
Day 1, Korea Trip 2012: Gwangalli Beach | 1日目,韓国旅行2012: Gwangalli ビーチ

Soon after we put our stuff in hotel, we went to Gwangalli Beach. They said, the beach will be more beautiful in the night and it is. Were afraid that it will be rainy all the night, yet when we arrived the rain suddenly gone and we were having a great time, enjoying the view with other people.
私達は荷物がホテルで置いて後すぐGwangalli ビーチに行った.彼らの言ったのは海岸は夜でより美しくなる,それは本当だ.我々はその夜にずっと雨が降る恐れがあってけど,到着ときに雨がすでになくなって,他の人と景色を楽しみ見て、素晴らしい時間が過ごした.
Gwangan Bridge, connecting Haeundae-gu to Suyeong-gu. |
Gwanganブリッジ, Haeundae-gu とSuyeong-guに繋げる.
We also had dinner over there and it was super duper delicious! Seafood mandu and seafood nabe in Korean version. またあそこで私達は夕食が持っていて,長美味しかった!マンドシーフードと韓国方のシーフード鍋.

How to get there from Busan Station: take the subway line 1, transfer into line 2 at Seomyeon Station and get off at Gwangan Station. Go out from exit 3 or 5 and just walk around 10-15 minutes. A bit far from the station but it's worth place to go.
釜山駅からあそこまでの方法:地下鉄1号線に乗って、Seomyeon 駅で2号線に変わって,Gwangan 駅で下車.3番と5番とかの出口に出て行って、10〜15分歩く.駅から少し遠いけど,それは行く価値がある場所だ.
Random afternoon walk, releasing the stress after all the hard work during the exams week.