2019 Road Trip in Australia (3): Cradle Mountain National Park
February 24, 2021

4 March 2019
Thankfully, first night in the campervan was not that bad. We, especially me, survived: breastfeed the baby before sleep, got her to take shower in public bathroom, and feed her breakfast. I had an experience campervan-ing before. But not with baby around. It's new experience for me.
The destination for the day is only one, Cradle Mountain. It is part of Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park. It is 138 km and takes around two hours from Queenstown, Tasmania. Yet, before heading to Cradle Mountain, we made some quick stops.

First, we stopped by in the supermarket. We ran out groceries, so my in laws went to the supermarket while the rest waited in the campervan. It was a small town and surrounded by the mountain. It was beautiful eventhough I only enjoyed it from the window of the van.
After finished wandering around, we continued the journey. One and a half hour later, we reached our destination, Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park. We parked our van in the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service Center. Tourists are not allowed to park their car in the Cradle Mountain parking lot while the shuttle buses are still operating. We have to take the shuttle from the service center in order to reach the Cradle Mountain. The shuttle is operating from 8.15am to 5.30pm, every 10-15 minutes. By the time we reached there, it's already lunch time and the shuttle was gone. We had to wait for the next shuttle. We decided to have lunch in the service center while waiting for the shuttle. They have a small cafe inside the service center. In my opinion, the cafe in the Russel Fall services better than this.

Finally we finished our lunch, took the shuttle, and safely arrived in Cradle Mountain. No, we didn't hike the mountain. We were just wandering around the lake, Dove Lake. It was really sunny - hot kind of a day. I always love enjoying national park in Australia and New Zealand, because the government are really taking care of it. The clear path, easy access, and the clear sign to the destination are helping the tourist a lot.

Despite it was really hot weather, my toddler was sleeping peacefully in my arms. We were enjoying the view slowly during our visit. We also took bunch of pictures. It was really beautiful day but I think it would be more beautiful if it was not that hot. However there was small accident on that day. Since it was too hot, we brought our daughter hat. It was still with us when we took off the shuttle. Yet, when we arrived in the lake, we lost it. We argued a little bit where we lost it. I belief it was left behind inside the shuttle. My husband and my mother in law belief it was in the campervan. My father in law belief it was with us in the shuttle. So, he decided to ask in the service center after we got back. Turned out, it is in the shuttle. Thankfully, we found the hat.
That night we stayed at Discovery Parks - Cradle Mountain. It is close to the service centre. I felt like camping in the jungle because of the surrounded area full of trees and only few of street lamp around. Even the bathroom is full of natural stone. It was the first time for me during the trip that the water is running in the certain time. Once we turn on the shower, the water is only last for five minutes and it takes same time to be able running again. It is めんどくさい, but it was rare experience, unforgettable.
More stories will come soon.
Previous story can be found here.