An Update

August 16, 2014

Hi everyone, it's been a loooonng time since I posted in this blog. Well, so much things happened in the past months, I moved to the new apartment (which is closer to uni and located in the city center - literally), preparing for the research proposal (can't believe one year already passed and one year more to go to finish my degree), applying for a new student visa, and I got a part time job in a new place (it's waroeng legianz and their website is here). 

Thankfully, my research proposal got approved (super duper thanks go to my favorite program leader, Hammish and my supervisor, Charles), and my student visa is extended. Oh, my new workplace is an Indonesian restaurant, which open from Monday to Saturday during winter season. Most of the customers are new Zealanders who work close to the restaurant.

The restaurant is located in victoria park market, right in front of the victoria park. The most popular meals among customers are Mie Goreng (fried noodle) and Nasi Goreng (fried rice). They have five types of it, with chicken, with beef, with lamb, with seafood, or only vegetable. Even, if the customer wants it pure vegetarian, no fish oil and no egg, they can make it special for them. The restaurant wants to give their best for the customer, they try to understand what the customer wants. For Muslim, don't worry all the ingredients are halal, because they only use halal meat. 

One fine afternoon after work, a month ago.

The popular meal, Mie Goreng. 

Finally they have teh botol sosro (the pioneer of tea in pack from Indonesia) available in there. 

Well, that's all so far from me, cheers! 

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