Welcome to Tiritiri Matangi, the open sanctuary, where no one lives there except the volunteer and the researcher, the place that we must bring back our rubbish, the place when wild birds live peacefully. I had no idea at all about this island before, until when I visited my friend's family and his mom talked about it. I googled later when I back and I felt so curious. Here's the website, the one that I found and makes me crave more to go there. Short story, I got the cheapest ticket to go there and after discussing with my friends, we decided to go there on Saturday.
We had no clue that the weather would change dramatically from lovely sunny day to super disaster windy day on that weekend. Yet, we must go there because we already booked everything. Then after almost two hours waving around in ocean with super duper strong wind, we got there safe and sound.
Welcome to Tiritiri Matangi.
The rules that we must obey.
The map, just for making sure about the direction. Even though, in the end we got lost in the middle somewhere and we found another map.
Some wild bird that I could photograph. Sorry for the blur.
Some of my friends.
Another wild bird.
I bet it will be more beautiful during a sunny day with a little bit windy. I hope someday in the future I can be back here to explore more and try another path, bring better lens so I can take more picture. Yet, I still thanked God, I could go there and went back home safely.