i believe that someday in the future, i'll miss this place with all the memories that i left
we never know what's gonna happen in the next day
so let's always being grateful with everything that we have
if someone makes you angry, just forgive them because nobody's perfect in this world
and if someone angry with you, say sorry to them
then if they don't forgive you, let it go
there's no point to care about people who doesn't care bout you
love the one who cares about you and don't mind with the other who doesn't
this is the world we are live in
we never know what's gonna happen in the next day
so let's always being grateful with everything that we have
if someone makes you angry, just forgive them because nobody's perfect in this world
and if someone angry with you, say sorry to them
then if they don't forgive you, let it go
there's no point to care about people who doesn't care bout you
love the one who cares about you and don't mind with the other who doesn't
this is the world we are live in